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Friday, February 6, 2015

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又從人群中飛出了一個老者, nike 2015 同樣也是一尊八重修士,不過楊一看得出來,這尊修士的積累要強橫許多。楊一微微點了點頭,隨即將天雷之盤打開,那滾滾的天雷之力再次飛出,兇猛的純陽氣息不斷的衝擊著這尊修士的元神。這尊修士居然施展出了一件法寶,上面灌注了不知道多少的通天之力,不過還是沒有達到半仙寶的地步,這件法寶一出現,卻只支撐了片刻時間,而後直接便被強大的天雷之力給轟成了齏粉。

楊一併不覺得奇怪, nike新款 看到過武殿的長老mén十多尊都不一定能夠成就一尊九重高手的,否則的話,武殿就算尋找天雷之力再艱難, nike真假 的九重高手也不會只有那點,實在是因為,從八重到九重,簡直就是九死一生,能夠度過的,都是有莫大的積累和機緣的,半點也強求不得。所以就算是這十多尊的修士,全部都隕落在了天雷之中,楊一也不會感到有多麼的驚訝的。

Thursday, February 5, 2015

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Perhaps Lin Lang is early days, then that field is to forget his family would be crippled for the separation of random people,, but for the forest move, it dare not forget ! This idea is not only in the passage of time has not been weakened, but is gradually seared into the soul so, regardless of how strong the opponent, he will not give up ! Of course, if they still have to share tightly repressed hatred heart, because now he can not compete with the Lin clan darlings ! Side of the forest dust and other people do not see the forest dynamic look, the look is completely michael kors australia condensate in the sky clan Lin, Lin Lang days prestige almost encroaching some clan elders, the younger generation in michael kors handbags hearts, Lin Lang is undefeated Ares day !

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Wang Yan brother has come ! That the number of people at the Wang clan, looked at the giant golden gun silhouette marching on the sky, but also cheeky surprise of color. Wang clan did not expect this to people who turned out to be Wang Yan. Lim giant golden child, who looked at the sky on the gun, but added somewhat surprised Road. Lin move hesitated, asked. Wang clan has two peerless genius, a man is Wang Yan, but there is one person michael kors bags even better than, that is michael kors handbags brother, Wang Zhong, who even days, Lin Lang Brother, are extremely 's * dread, then They pay several years, but never a winner.

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nike新款,Nike Air Veer GS,這一尊太上長老不愧是八重天雷境的修士,其對於虛空造物的奧秘領悟得無比的透徹,對於楊一來說,可謂是獲益匪淺。當然,還有那龐大的元神,即便是楊一的元神也是相當的強大了,但要想順利的煉化一尊八重天雷境修士的元神也不是那麼容易的。幸好有天雷之盤的幫助,再加上楊一不惜耗費時間,一點一點的消磨掉這尊太上長老的元神,因此就在時間一點一滴的流逝的時候,楊一的元神越來越強,反觀這尊太上長老的元神則是日漸的萎縮,到最後竟是沒有一絲的力量,直接被楊一統統的煉化。楊一的元神達到極限可謂是極為的不容易,在吞噬了許多修士的元神,又逆轉了時間幾乎是千年,楊一的元神才達到如此的地步,其極限之強大,簡直是匪夷所思,光是其元神的力量,已經是無限的接近那些通天八重的修士了,而一旦施展出三十六倍的力量。光憑藉著元神的力量,楊一就有把握壓制住一尊通天八重的修士。這便是現在楊一的實力提升,幾乎是提升了一倍有餘,煉化一尊八重元神的好處自然是極多的,簡直無法想像,而其中最大的好處自然是對於虛空造物的奧秘。

好,好,現在 nike真假 的力量幾乎已經達到了極限,輕易不會再提升,除非是能夠突破自身的桎梏,成功的晉升到通天七重造物境。楊一的眼神閃爍著陣陣的jīng芒,在這半年的時光裡, Nike Air Veer GS 一直都是醉心於煉化八重天雷境修士的元神,倒是有些忽略了遊鳳仙等人的修煉進展。忽然,整個天雷之盤中都彷彿出現了這陣巨大的聲音,緊接著,楊一立刻就感受到了濃郁的靈氣,都瘋狂的聚集在了天雷之盤的某一處地方。

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